
April “Acts of Love” at Redeemer

The trumpet sounds still reverberate in our ears. The Alleluias are still so near to our lips. The joy of Easter is finally here! But as we return to the more mundane and simple parts of our lives, does the resurrection power of Easter still bring joy to our hearts? Is God still at work in the month after Resurrection Sunday?

Of course, we know He is! Although the greatest work of God was through the cross and empty tomb, His resurrection power and work in this world was not complete 2000 years ago. Instead, Jesus has enlisted us, even his 21st century disciples, to continue the work that he began.

During April 2024, Redeemer will embark on a study of love and service to the neighbor through a special worship series, a Sunday Seminar design for families, a new Bible Study offering at each campus, many hands-on service events, and resources for your household to take home and discuss more ways to love and serve the people around you. At Redeemer during the month of April, we will continue the work of our resurrected Lord Jesus!

Worship: Acts of Love


Redeemer’s focus in worship for the month of April 2024 is “Acts of Love” based on selected stories from the book of Acts.

Once the disciples of Jesus had seen the resurrected Lord, they knew their work was not completed, but that it had only just begun. Many of their actions are recorded in the book of Acts, and in a 4 week sermon series, we will discover how their acts of love for their neighbors transformed the world in their day. Throughout the series, we will learn together how we too can live out lives of faith in “Acts of Love” and service toward our neighbors today as well.

Learn More Here

Bible Study:

April 7 - Sunday Seminar

How can we love our neighbors when they believe different things than we do?

Join us during our education hour (9:30am-10:30am) at both campuses as we discuss how we love our neighbors well - even when life is complicated! During this session, we will discuss how we love our neighbors, even in a diverse world.

Parents/guardians with children in the home will meet in the 8th grade classroom at Springfield and the music room at Nixa. Adults without children in the home will meet in both fellowship halls. We hope to see you there!

Nurturing Your Faith: Life Together

For the remainder of the Sundays in April, we will learn from a video based study on 1 Peter. This class will happen in the fellowship hall of both campuses, and all other classes will resume their normal schedules. The Nixa Study will be livestreamed.
This four-session Bible study explores the letter of 1 Peter and its implication for believers. We are transformed by God through faith. Led by His Spirit of hope to live holy before Him, we love and serve those in our communities while struggling against the world's influence. Our churches, too, should be welcoming places to non-believers who are looking for integrity, relevance, and a commitment to God's truth. Study author and host Dr. Dale Meyer introduces each video session.


Shine Week 2024

Shine week is April 12-21 2024! We aren't simply going to talk about loving our neighbors this April at Redeemer, we plan to get our hands dirty and serve them as well!  There may still be time to sign up for one of Redeemer’s many SHINE servant events. We encourage every household of Redeemer to serve at one of the opportunities!

Faith at Home Resources

As part of our April “Acts of Love” focus, Redeemer will be providing your family or household with two additional resources to help you discover God’s love in your homes and share it with your neighbors. Pick up these resources at church, any Sunday in April, and use them this month, or even throughout the summer!

Love My Neighbor Calendar:
God loves us! And God's love is something we can share! This 30-day calendar will help you become more aware of others' needs and grow in loving service to other people. Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan (see Luke 10:29-37) has a starring role in the calendar. Together, we will learn daily lessons about how much God loves us, and how being a good neighbor is a way to love God, too!

Let’s Talk about Love Conversation Cards

Got a moment to spare? Share that spare time anywhere! Share stories, express faith and make new memories together. These versatile cards will get your family or group talking about God’s love and our service to our neighbors.

Saying the words “I love you” may be easy; talking about God’s love for us and our love for one another might be a bit more challenging. “Let’s Talk About Love” Convo Cards are a simple way to start sharing those loving thoughts in a meaningful way. Beloved Bible passages are paired with questions designed to get to the heart of the matter.

These cards can be used any time—around the table, on a family trip, while out running errands—whenever you find two minutes to spare for fulfilling conversation about family, faith and loving relationships.

 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
- Mark 12:30-31